How to Protect Your Dog from Fleas and Ticks

by Ellen Cohen 09/29/2019

When the temperatures rise, and pets get to go outdoors more often, a flea or tick infestation is something with which owners may have to deal. Fleas and ticks are blood-sucking parasites that make pets uncomfortable. They are also not good visitors to have within or around the home.Although it is almost impossible to rid the home and your pet of the entire flea and tick population, there are steps to take to minimize their number. 

A Clean Pet

Washing your furry companion kills numerous fleas and ticks on their fur. This simple procedure is valid for only a moderate infestation. But it still goes a long way. Use a mild shampoo to wash the pet once daily for between 3-5 days. This simple step helps to get rid of most of the fleas and ticks.

Flea Comb

Specially designed combs can pull the insects from a dog's fur. Pet owners can use them daily to brush their canine friends and pick the fleas out of the hairs. When using a flea comb, ensure that it reaches the skin before pulling out. Be gentle though, because a pet with long hair may have knots or tangles that pull out with the comb. 


Flea and ticks naturally live outside the home in the backyard or lawn. Sometimes, pets first encounter them from playing outdoors and lying on the grass or hiding under plants. Keep the yard clean and mow the lawn regularly to reduce the flea and tick population. Also, use a flea prevention chemical to treat the grass and other outdoor areas. Be sure to follow each of the manufacturer’s instructions on the product to prevent any harm to the pet or family members.


During winter, from December to March, flea eggs stay alive in the home and hatch when the season passes. You can eliminate this problem by vacuuming the house thoroughly and properly disposing of the vacuum bags. Also, wash the dog’s bedding and toys with warm, soapy water. Adequate cleanliness in the home can go a long way to eliminating the pesky flea infestation.

Flea and tick control products

There are several available options for flea and tick control products, so finding the right one may be difficult. You should consult with a veterinarian before any purchase to make sure it is the right product for your pet. Also, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use them.

Take proper action against fleas and ticks in the home with these methods. A flea-free dog is a happy and comfortable dog. If your flea or tick population gets out of hand, it's time to call in a pest-control professional.

About the Author

Ellen Cohen

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